Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Global Business and Pilot Studies

Faculty of Business and Humanities
Award Class Major Award
BSc (Hons)
Programme Code CR_BGBPS_8 Mode of Delivery Full Time, Part Time, ACCS, Partially Online No. of Semesters 12
NFQ Level 8 Embedded Award No Programme Credits 240
Next Review Date
Review Type Date
Programmatic Review 01/09/2025

Programme Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to demonstrate... :

# PO Domains Programme Learning Outcome
PO1 Knowledge - Breadth Knowledge of the key business areas that underpin international business activity while building upon the competencies garnered in their aviation training and related experience.
PO2 Knowledge - Breadth Excellence with respect to the theory and practice of flying and the underpinning scientific elements through their aviation training
PO3 Knowledge - Kind Their ability to identify, analyse, evaluate and synthesise complex problems emanating from the global business environment with a view to forming rounded perspectives on issues such as international trade, international politics & culture, law, economics & trade, business development and other knowledge intrinsic to the development of opportunities for business in an international context that reflects the challenges of global volatility and uncertainty.
PO4 Knowledge - Kind The ability to apply their knowledge of health, safety, performance, law, metrology, balance, mass and other technical aviation fields in their capacity to fly in a variety of circumstances that reflect the realities of commercial flight that will allow for excellence as pilots operating in that sphere.
PO5 Skill - Range How to design integrated business solutions to challenging problems that reflect the challenges of an ever-changing business environment.
PO6 Skill - Range Application of the range of skills required to handle normal and challenging aviation environments that reflect the regulatory requirements of modern commercial aviation.
PO7 Skill - Selectivity Their knowledge of how to identify challenges and solutions in a complex context, supporting their actions and analysis through reasoned argument, use of empirical data and synthesis of environmental factors in a given context such as politics, culture, trade, law and market forces or aviation related contextual factors.
PO8 Competence - Context The use of advanced skills to undertake technical actions accepting accountability for all related decision making; transfer and apply diagnostic and creative skills in a range of contexts including complex flight arrangements.
PO9 Competence - Context How to apply their knowledge in a range of business types including those that trade internationally, building upon the competences developed in their aviation training and their knowledge of a complex and demanding role.
PO10 Competence - Role The ability to offer leadership, take initiative and undertake responsibility for a range of dynamic environments necessitating possibilities such as working alone, in groups/teams and as part of hierarchical structures while conscious of the personal and organisational motivations of themselves and others.
PO11 Competence - Learning to Learn Autonomy to control their own personal development through inquiry, reflection and investigation and to prepare for continual professional development as an integral part of their career.
PO12 Competence - Insight Their consciousness of their own value and the intrinsic strengths and weaknesses that further infuse their identified strengths in an ethical and responsible framework for their personal and career development.

Semester Schedules

Year 1 / Semester 1

Year 1 Semester 1 Elective Regulation
Students can only study language option they have pursued at leaving cert level. LANG7010 is only available to international students
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
CMOD6001 Creativity Innovation&Teamwork MARESE BERMINGHAM 3 5
ACCT6007 Fundamentals of Fin/Acc Claire OSullivan Rochford 3 5
INFO6017 Information Technology Claire OSullivan Rochford 3 5
MGMT6043 Intro to Global Business Katie Power 4 5
MRKT6004 Introduction to Marketing Katie Power 6 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
LANG7010 English for Life and Study Katie Power 2 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
LANG7018 Working with French Katie Power 3 5
LANG7006 Working with German Katie Power 6 5
LANG6033 Working with Spanish Katie Power 7 5

Year 1 / Semester 2

Year 1 Semester 2 Elective Regulation
LANG6036 is only available to international students
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MRKT6012 Communication for Business Katie Power 1 5
MGMT6044 Cultural Studies Katie Power 5 5
MGMT6062 International Management CAROLINE O REILLY 1 5
MRKT6005 Marketing Strategy Principles Katie Power 4 5
MATH6016 Technological Maths 1 (C.A.) David Goulding 2 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
LANG6036 English for Academic Presentat Katie Power 1 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
LANG7019 French Business and Culture Katie Power 5 5
LANG7002 German Business & Culture Katie Power 7 5
MRKT6010 Selling Skills for Business Katie Power 5 5
LANG7012 Spanish Business and Culture Katie Power 2 5

Year 2 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
TRAN6018 Air Transport Pilot Licence 1 Katie Power 1 15
TRAN6017 Private Pilot Licence Phase 1 Katie Power 1 15

Year 2 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
TRAN6019 Air Transport Pilot Licence 2 Katie Power 1 15
TRAN6020 Air Transport Pilot Licence 3 Katie Power 1 15

Year 3 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
TRAN7002 Commercial Pilot Licence Katie Power 1 10
TRAN8001 Multiple Engine Piston Rating Katie Power 1 5
TRAN7001 Private Pilot Licence Phase 2 Katie Power 1 10

Year 3 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
TRAN8003 Advanced UPRT Katie Power 1 5
LEGS7014 Aviation Regulation and Policy Katie Power 1 5
TRAN7003 Multi Crew Cooperation Katie Power 1 10
TRAN8002 Multi Engine Instrument Rating Katie Power 1 15

Year 4 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
ECON8004 Economics and Trade CAROLINE O REILLY 3 10
MGMT8066 Global Strategy Management CAROLINE O REILLY 4 10

Year 4 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
ACCT8010 Finance Management Claire OSullivan Rochford 2 10
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MGMT8067 Aviation Business Environment Katie Power 2 10
MGMT8068 Operation & Project Management CAROLINE O REILLY 3 10
MGMT8062 The HRM Function Breda O Dwyer 1 10

Year 4 / Semester 3

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MGMT8069 Global Business Project Katie Power 1 10
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
LEGS8009 Essentials of Law Katie Power 1 10
MGMT8064 Purchasing and Supply Mgmt CAROLINE O REILLY 1 10