ARTI9002 - Audio Signal Processing

Module Details

Module Code: ARTI9002
Title: Audio Signal Processing
Long Title: Audio Signal Processing
NFQ Level: Expert
Valid From: Semester 1 - 2017/18 ( September 2017 )
Duration: 1 Semester
Credits: 5
Field of Study: 4813 - Artificial Intelligence & Signal & Image Processing
Module Delivered in: 2 programme(s)
Module Description: Introduction to audio signal processing comprising digitisation, signal spectral analysis, digital filtering, sample rate conversion, digital signal manipulation and compression and linear and nonlinear wave synthesis
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Learning Outcome Description
LO1 Describe the process of signal digitisation
LO2 Predict the spectral attributes of several signal types
LO3 Design difference equations to implement digital filters and oscillators
LO4 Design and implement sample rate conversion strategies
LO5 Design and implement through software various sound manipulation and synthesis strategies
LO6 Employ a computational software package to analyse and synthesise single and multitone sound signals and to display signal and system characteristics
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is strongly recommended before enrolment in this module. You may enrol in this module if you have not acquired the recommended learning but you will have considerable difficulty in passing (i.e. achieving the learning outcomes of) the module. While the prior learning is expressed as named MTU module(s) it also allows for learning (in another module or modules) which is equivalent to the learning specified in the named module(s).

Incompatible Modules
These are modules which have learning outcomes that are too similar to the learning outcomes of this module. You may not earn additional credit for the same learning and therefore you may not enrol in this module if you have successfully completed any modules in the incompatible list.
No incompatible modules listed
Co-requisite Modules
No Co-requisite modules listed

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is mandatory before enrolment in this module is allowed. You may not enrol on this module if you have not acquired the learning specified in this section.

No requirements listed
Indicative Content
DSP Hardware
Block diagram description of the digitisation of an analogue signal
Digital Signals
Sampling, quantisation,PCM, companding, error codes
Spectral Analysis
Fourier series/transform, amplitude and phase, resolution
Digital Filtering
Design of digital filters, nonrecursive and recursive, analysis of characteristics, implementation, design of digital oscillators
Multirate Sampling
Efficient methods for up/down sampling using software
Manipulating Digital Signals
Pitch Shifting, Time shifting using overlap-add, compression
Linear and nonlinear waveshaping
Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown%


Assessment Type Performance Evaluation % of Total Mark 30
Timing Week 4 Learning Outcomes 1,2
Assessment Description
Verify the sampling process, explore quantisation effects, display spectral analysis in MATLAB
Assessment Type Performance Evaluation % of Total Mark 30
Timing Week 7 Learning Outcomes 2,3
Assessment Description
Design digital filter/oscillator, display characteristics, verify operation
Assessment Type Performance Evaluation % of Total Mark 30
Timing Week 10 Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4,5
Assessment Description
Perform up/down sampling strategies and verify results through wav files
Assessment Type Project % of Total Mark 10
Timing Week 12 Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4,5,6
Assessment Description
Devise and implement a complex sound synthesis programme and present results
No End of Module Formal Examination

The University reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Lecture Contact No Description Every Week 2.00 2
Lab Contact No Description Every Week 1.00 1
Independent & Directed Learning (Non-contact) Non Contact No Description Every Week 4.00 4
Total Hours 7.00
Total Weekly Learner Workload 7.00
Total Weekly Contact Hours 3.00
This module has no Part Time workload.
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources
  • Ken C. Pohlmann. (2010), Principles of Digital Audio, 6th. McGraw Hill, New York, [ISBN: 978-007166346].
  • Udo Zölzer. (2011), DAFX: Digital Audio Effects, 2nd. John Wiley & Sons, [ISBN: 978-047066599].
Supplementary Book Resources
  • McClellan, Schafer, Yoder. (2003), Signal Processing First, 2nd. Pearson, [ISBN: 978-013090999].
This module does not have any article/paper resources
Other Resources
  • CD-ROM, Perry R. Cook. (2002), Real Sound Synthesis for Interactive Applications, Massachusettes, A K Peters.
Module Delivered in
Programme Code Programme Semester Delivery
CR_GMUTE_9 Master of Arts in Music and Technology 2 Elective
CR_GMUST_9 Master of Science in Music and Technology 2 Mandatory