Bachelor of Music (Honours)

Faculty of Business and Humanities
Award Class Major Award
BMus (Hons)
Programme Code CR_GMUSC_8 Mode of Delivery Full Time No. of Semesters 8
NFQ Level 8 Embedded Award No Programme Credits 240
Next Review Date
No dates assigned
Department Cork School of Music
Field of Study 2121 - Music & Performing Arts

Programme Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to demonstrate... :

# PO Domains Programme Learning Outcome
PO1 Knowledge - Breadth Theoretical, technical and practical knowledge and application in the areas of instrumental/vocal performance, musical direction, aural and analytical skills; stylistic and contextual awareness of a broad musical repertory.
PO2 Knowledge - Kind Detailed knowledge and understanding of the theories and concepts relevant to music as a product of western culture
PO3 Skill - Range A range of specialised skills with which to manipulate musical materials and technologies, and the ability to communicate effectively both within the musical community and with external audiences
PO4 Skill - Selectivity The ability to evaluate and select appropriate strategies, techniques and musical approaches for specific professional contexts; ability to structure information and exercise critical thinking
PO5 Competence - Context The ability to respond professionally and creatively to social, communal and individual demands and contexts with appropriate musical engagement
PO6 Competence - Role The ability to identify strengths and opportunities in relation to the demands of the music industry and demonstrate the ability to work both autonomously and in a team setting
PO7 Competence - Learning to Learn Ability to access appropriate opportunities, materials and expertise to support his/her continued professional and personal development
PO8 Competence - Insight Action and disposition which contributes to the advancement and enrichment of society through musical practice

Semester Schedules

Year 1 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC6013 Core Instrumental Studies 1 Cian O'Duill 2 10
MUSC6005 Core Musicianship Skills 1 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
CMOD6001 Creativity Innovation&Teamwork MARESE BERMINGHAM 3 5
MUSC6002 Music History: Perspectives MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC6011 Repertory Engagement 1 MARIA JUDGE 3 5

Year 1 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC6014 Core Instrumental Studies 2 Cian O'Duill 2 10
MUSC6006 Core Musicianship Skills 2 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC6001 Music & Technology 1-2 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC6003 Performing Traditions MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC6012 Repertory Engagement 2 MARIA JUDGE 3 5

Year 2 / Semester 1

Year 2 Semester 1 Elective Regulation
Select GE1 (Specialised Instrumental Studies Stream) or GE2 (Core Instrumental Studies Stream). Also select as many Electives as necessary to achieve a total of 30 semester module credits. Previously completed Electives for which you have already gained credit cannot be retaken.
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC7008 17th and 18th century music MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC7004 Core Musicianship Skills 3 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC7013 Repertory Engagement 3 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
Group Elective 1 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC7016 Specialised Instr Studies 3 Cian O'Duill 2 10
Group Elective 2 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC7002 Core Instrumental Studies 3 Cian O'Duill 3 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC7037 Baroque Music Ensemble MARIA JUDGE 2 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
MUSC7015 Introduction to MusicEducation MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC7006 Music & Technology 3 MARIA JUDGE 4 5

Year 2 / Semester 2

Year 2 Semester 2 Elective Regulation
Select GE1 (Specialised Instrumental Studies Stream) or GE2 (Core Instrumental Studies Stream). Also select as many Electives as necessary to achieve a total of 30 semester module credits. Previously completed Electives for which you have already gained credit cannot be retaken.
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC7009 19th to 21st Century Music MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC7005 Core Musicianship Skills 4 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC7014 Repertory Engagement 4 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
Group Elective 1 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC7017 Specialised Instr Studies 4 Cian O'Duill 2 10
Group Elective 2 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC7003 Core Instrumental Studies 4 Cian O'Duill 2 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC7037 Baroque Music Ensemble MARIA JUDGE 2 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
MUSC7001 Intro:Therapy/Community Music MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC7041 Jazz Improvisation 1 GABRIELA MAYER 1 5
MUSC7025 Music & Technology 4 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC7010 Orchestration - Foundations MARIA JUDGE 4 5

Year 3 / Semester 1

Year 3 Semester 1 Elective Regulation
Select GE1 (Specialised Instrumental Studies Stream) or GE2 (Core Instrumental Studies Stream). Also select as many Electives as necessary to achieve a total of 30 semester module credits. Previously completed Electives for which you have already gained credit cannot be retaken. As MUSC8125 is delivered over 2 semesters, if you choose it this semester you are also committing to choosing next semester.
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8021 Core Musicianship Skills 5 MARIA JUDGE 6 5
MUSC8059 Repertory Engagement 5 MARIA JUDGE 2 5
Group Elective 1 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8101 Specialised Instr Studies 5 Cian O'Duill 1 10
Group Elective 2 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8017 Core Instrumental Studies 5 GABRIELA MAYER 3 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8036 Advanced Studies in Irish Trad MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8001 Chamber Music 1 Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8003 Class Teaching 1 MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC8007 Community Music Project 1 MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC8009 Composition 1 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8015 Conducting and Orchestration 1 MARIA JUDGE 6 5
MUSC8025 Counterpoint 1 MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8029 Devised Performance Project Cian O'Duill 2 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
MUSC8125 Inclusive Music: Facilitation (Part 1 of 2) MARIA JUDGE 2 10
MUSC8038 Instrumental Folk Tradition MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8033 Instrumental Teaching 1 AIVEEN KEARNEY 5 5
MUSC8041 Music & Technology 5 MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC8063 Music History: 1890-1950 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8045 Music Therapy 1 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC8050 Performance Development 1 Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8054 Vocal Accompaniment Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8065 Women in Music MARIA JUDGE 3 5

Year 3 / Semester 2

Year 3 Semester 2 Elective Regulation
Select GE1 (Specialised Instrumental Studies Stream) or GE2 (Core Instrumental Studies Stream). Also select as many Electives as necessary to achieve a total of 30 semester module credits. Previously completed Electives for which you have already gained credit cannot be retaken.
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8022 Core Musicianship Skills 6 MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC8060 Repertory Engagement 6 MARIA JUDGE 2 5
Group Elective 1 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8103 Specialised Instr Studies 6 Cian O'Duill 1 10
Group Elective 2 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8018 Core Instrumental Studies 6 GABRIELA MAYER 3 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8125 Inclusive Music: Facilitation (Part 2 of 2) MARIA JUDGE 2 10
MUSC8001 Chamber Music 1 Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8002 Chamber Music 2 Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8100 Choral Music-History & Context MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8004 Class Teaching 2 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8008 Community Music Project 2 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC8010 Composition 2 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8016 Conducting and Orchestration 2 MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC8026 Counterpoint 2 MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8029 Devised Performance Project Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8128 Entrepreneurship in the Arts 1 GABRIELA MAYER 1 5
MUSC8030 European Music to 1600 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
MUSC8097 Innovation in Folkmusic MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8055 Instrumental Accompaniment Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8034 Instrumental Teaching 2 AIVEEN KEARNEY 4 5
MUSC8042 Music & Technology 6 MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC8064 Music History: 1950 to present MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8046 Music Therapy 2 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC8047 Opera Studies MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8051 Performance Development 2 Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8037 The Irish Folksong Tradition MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8054 Vocal Accompaniment Cian O'Duill 2 5

Year 4 / Semester 1

Year 4 Semester 1 Elective Regulation
Select GE1 (Specialised Instrumental Studies Stream) or GE2 (Core Instrumental Studies Stream). Also select as many Electives as necessary to achieve a total of 30 semester module credits. Previously completed Electives for which you have already gained credit cannot be retaken. As MUSC8125 is delivered over 2 semesters, if you choose it this semester you are also committing to choosing it next semester.
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8023 Core Musicianship Skills 7 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC8061 Repertory Engagement 7 MARIA JUDGE 2 5
Group Elective 1 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8104 Specialised Instr Studies 7 Cian O'Duill 1 10
Group Elective 2 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8019 Core Instrumental Studies 7 GABRIELA MAYER 3 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8036 Advanced Studies in Irish Trad MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8001 Chamber Music 1 Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8002 Chamber Music 2 Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8098 Choral Arranging MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8003 Class Teaching 1 MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC8005 Class Teaching 3 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC8007 Community Music Project 1 MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC8009 Composition 1 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8126 Composition 3 MARIA JUDGE 1 5
MUSC8013 Conducting 1 - Small Choral MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC8099 Conducting and Orchestration 3 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC8025 Counterpoint 1 MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8027 Counterpoint 3 MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8029 Devised Performance Project Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8031 Dissertation 1 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
MUSC8125 Inclusive Music: Facilitation (Part 1 of 2) MARIA JUDGE 2 10
MUSC8055 Instrumental Accompaniment Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8038 Instrumental Folk Tradition MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8033 Instrumental Teaching 1 AIVEEN KEARNEY 5 5
MUSC8035 Instrumental Teaching 3 MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC8043 Music & Technology 7 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8063 Music History: 1890-1950 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8045 Music Therapy 1 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC8048 Orchestration - Large Ensemble MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8052 Performance Development 3 Cian O'Duill 4 5
MUSC8054 Vocal Accompaniment Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8065 Women in Music MARIA JUDGE 3 5

Year 4 / Semester 2

Year 4 Semester 2 Elective Regulation
Select GE1 (Final Performance) or GE2 (Core Instrumental Studies Stream). Also select as many Electives as necessary to achieve a total of 30 semester module credits. Previously completed Electives for which you have already gained credit cannot be retaken.
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8024 Core Musicianship Skills 8 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8062 Repertory Engagement 8 MARIA JUDGE 2 5
Group Elective 1 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8102 Final Performance Cian O'Duill 1 10
Group Elective 2 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8020 Core Instrumental Studies 8 GABRIELA MAYER 3 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MUSC8125 Inclusive Music: Facilitation (Part 2 of 2) MARIA JUDGE 2 10
MUSC8001 Chamber Music 1 Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8002 Chamber Music 2 Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8098 Choral Arranging MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8100 Choral Music-History & Context MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8004 Class Teaching 2 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8006 Class Teaching 4 MARIA JUDGE 8 5
MUSC8008 Community Music Project 2 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC8010 Composition 2 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8127 Composition 4 MARIA JUDGE 1 5
MUSC8014 Conducting 2 - Symphony Orch. MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC8099 Conducting and Orchestration 3 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC8026 Counterpoint 2 MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8028 Counterpoint 4 MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8029 Devised Performance Project Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8032 Dissertation 2 MARIA JUDGE 5 5
MUSC8128 Entrepreneurship in the Arts 1 GABRIELA MAYER 1 5
MUSC8030 European Music to 1600 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
MUSC8097 Innovation in Folkmusic MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8055 Instrumental Accompaniment Cian O'Duill 2 5
MUSC8034 Instrumental Teaching 2 AIVEEN KEARNEY 4 5
MUSC8090 Instrumental Teaching 4 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC8044 Music & Technology 8 MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8064 Music History: 1950 to present MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8046 Music Therapy 2 MARIA JUDGE 3 5
MUSC8047 Opera Studies MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8049 Orchestration - Symphony Orch. MARIA JUDGE 4 5
MUSC8053 Performance Development 4 Cian O'Duill 4 5
MUSC8137 Research Project Thesis MARIA JUDGE 1 10
MUSC8037 The Irish Folksong Tradition MARIA JUDGE 2 5
MUSC8054 Vocal Accompaniment Cian O'Duill 2 5