Module Details

Module Code: EDUC7017
Title: Montessori:The Preschool Child
Long Title: Montessori:The Preschool Child
NFQ Level: Intermediate
Valid From: Semester 1 - 2023/24 ( September 2023 )
Duration: 1 Semester
Credits: 10
Field of Study: 1420 - Education Studies
Module Delivered in: 1 programme(s)
Module Description: This module is designed to give the student an understanding of Montessori pedagogy for children from birth to six years of age. Montessori designed or informed pedagogical materials will be explored as a medium for supporting the child’s holistic development and scaffolding their learning in the areas of practical life, numeracy, literacy and understanding the world through the senses. Learning will be experiential in nature; therefore, regular class attendance is required to successfully complete the assessment components. The assessment of this module is inextricably linked to the delivery.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Learning Outcome Description
LO1 Evaluate the Montessori approach to education and care as an effective pedagogy for supporting the holistic development of the child from birth to six years of age with particular focus on the child from three to six years of age.
LO2 Explore how the Montessori prepared environment facilitates children to direct their own learning with regard to practical life and learning through the senses (history, geography, science, numeracy and literacy) and frame understanding in relation to Aistear and Síolta Practice Guides.
LO3 Examine the concepts, theories and principles underpinning the teaching and learning of literacy and numeracy in an early childhood education and care setting.
LO4 Plan, deliver, assess and evaluate inclusive learning opportunities for children from birth to six years of age.
LO5 Develop Montessori influenced pedagogical materials for use in the early childhood education and care prepared environment.
LO6 Utilise provocations to expand the child's understanding of the world around them.
LO7 Explore the values, knowledge(s) and practices of the Early Childhood Teacher in a Montessori early childhood education and care setting.
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is strongly recommended before enrolment in this module. You may enrol in this module if you have not acquired the recommended learning but you will have considerable difficulty in passing (i.e. achieving the learning outcomes of) the module. While the prior learning is expressed as named MTU module(s) it also allows for learning (in another module or modules) which is equivalent to the learning specified in the named module(s).

Incompatible Modules
These are modules which have learning outcomes that are too similar to the learning outcomes of this module. You may not earn additional credit for the same learning and therefore you may not enrol in this module if you have successfully completed any modules in the incompatible list.
No incompatible modules listed
Co-requisite Modules
No Co-requisite modules listed

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is mandatory before enrolment in this module is allowed. You may not enrol on this module if you have not acquired the learning specified in this section.

No requirements listed
Indicative Content
Montessori Philosophy
First plane of development; sensitive periods; holistic development; fantasy and imagination; principles of the prepared environment; freedom and discipline.
Montessori Pedagogy
Prepared Environment; Culture and Practical Life; Sensorial Education; reality as the basis for imagination; Exploring numeracy and literacy through the senses; play is the child’s work; freedom; Aistear and Síolta as frameworks for Montessori pedagogy; independent learning; incorporating children's rights; encouraging exploration and philosophising; democratic practices within preschool community.
Role of the Montessori Early Childhood Teacher
A valet, a custodian, a facilitator, a caretaker, a scientist and a researcher; observation; planning; documenting; evaluating; assessing; supporting transitions; dispositions; attitudes, skills, values, code of ethics and code of professional responsibilities; partnership with parents.
Montessori Materials
Learning through the senses – practical life, numeracy, literacy, cultural studies, exploring the cosmos; principles of Montessori Material; selecting materials for the prepared environment that adhere Montessori principles; material making.
Curriculum & Assessment
Observation for awareness of child and for planning next steps; provocations for learning; assessing pedagogical materials; planning for emerging interests; providing inclusive practice; assessing learning and development; partnership with parents; accessible documentation.
Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown%


Assessment Type Practical/Skills Evaluation % of Total Mark 25
Timing Week 4 Learning Outcomes 1,2,4,5
Assessment Description
Planning, delivering, assessing and evaluating learning opportunities using practical life and sensorial material. Learning will be experiential in nature; therefore, regular class attendance is required to successfully complete the assessment components. The assessment of this module is inextricably linked to the delivery.
Assessment Type Essay % of Total Mark 25
Timing Week 6 Learning Outcomes 1,7
Assessment Description
An essay on the Montessori Teacher.
Assessment Type Practical/Skills Evaluation % of Total Mark 25
Timing Week 8 Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4
Assessment Description
Planning, delivering, assessing and evaluating learning opportunities using numeracy and literacy material. Learning will be experiential in nature; therefore, regular class attendance is required to successfully complete the assessment components. The assessment of this module is inextricably linked to the delivery.
Assessment Type Practical/Skills Evaluation % of Total Mark 25
Timing Week 13 Learning Outcomes 1,2,4,5,6
Assessment Description
Planning, delivering, assessing and evaluating learning opportunities using culture materials (history, geography, science). Learning will be experiential in nature; therefore, regular class attendance is required to successfully complete the assessment components. The assessment of this module is inextricably linked to the delivery.
No End of Module Formal Examination
Reassessment Requirement
Repeat the module
The assessment of this module is inextricably linked to the delivery. The student must reattend the module in its entirety in order to be reassessed.

The University reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Tutorial Contact Group discussions, using Montessori material, making Montessori influenced material, groupwork. Every Week 8.00 8
Independent & Directed Learning (Non-contact) Non Contact Independent and guided reading and research. Every Week 6.00 6
Total Hours 14.00
Total Weekly Learner Workload 14.00
Total Weekly Contact Hours 8.00
Workload: Part Time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Tutorial Contact Group discussions, using Montessori material, making Montessori influenced material, groupwork. Every Week 8.00 8
Independent & Directed Learning (Non-contact) Non Contact Independent and guided reading and research. Every Week 6.00 6
Total Hours 14.00
Total Weekly Learner Workload 14.00
Total Weekly Contact Hours 8.00
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources
  • Montessori, M.. (2009), The Absorbent Mind, BN Publishing, [ISBN: 1607960931].
  • Montessori, M.. (1994), The Discovery of the Child, Random House Inc, [ISBN: 0345336569].
Supplementary Book Resources
  • Montessori, M.. (1982), The Secret of Childhood, Ballantine Books, [ISBN: 0345305833].
  • Healy Walls, Clare.. (2008), At the Heart of Montessori 4: The Pre School Child (3-6 Years), Waterpark Books, [ISBN: 0955716853].
  • Miller, L.. (2019), Democratic Policies and Practices in Early Childhood Education: An Aotearoa New Zealand Case Study: 24 (International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development, 24), 1st. Springer, [ISBN: 978-981131791].
Recommended Article/Paper Resources
Supplementary Article/Paper Resources
Other Resources
Module Delivered in
Programme Code Programme Semester Delivery
CR_HMOED_8 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Montessori Education 2 Mandatory