Bachelor of Business in Beverage Industry Management

Faculty of Business and Humanities
Award Class Major Award
Programme Code CR_OBARM_7 Mode of Delivery Full Time, ACCS No. of Semesters 6
NFQ Level 7 Embedded Award No Programme Credits 180
Next Review Date
Review Type Date
Programmatic Review 01/09/2021
Field of Study 8120 - Tourism

Programme Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to demonstrate... :

# PO Domains Programme Learning Outcome
PO1 Knowledge - Breadth A specialised knowledge of the management and operation of a licensed premises, to include accountancy and cost control, marketing, Irish law relevant to the operation of a licensed business premises.
PO2 Knowledge - Kind The ability to evaluate and critique current theory and practice in the field of licensed trade management and operations, including it's market composition, and location, and integrating theory with skills and personal characteristics in the business context.
PO3 Skill - Range The ability to interact at an appropriate level with both customers and staff in a manner appropriate to the environment of the business while meeting the requirements for the provision of a service in a standard relevant to the requirements of the business stakeholders.
PO4 Skill - Selectivity The ability to prioritise and achieve the objectives of the business in the context of meeting the need and requirement of the principal stakeholders in the business.
PO5 Competence - Context The ability to apply appropriate business and management skills to the need of the proprietors/ directors of the business while providing a level of service and product appropriate to the environment of the business.
PO6 Competence - Role The ability to work both independantly and as a team member, the ability to manage lead and motivate staff, while achieving both a quality service and business objectives in suitable social contexts.
PO7 Competence - Learning to Learn The ability to identify and address the skill requirements of the staff group and develop appropriate levels of quality.
PO8 Competence - Insight The graduate will demonstrate empathy with both clients and staff, and operate as a reflective practitioner in the context of a successful business operation.

Semester Schedules

Year 1 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
CMOD6001 Creativity Innovation&Teamwork MARESE BERMINGHAM 3 5
HOSP6014 Food Service Operations Noel Murray 4 5
TOUR6023 Introduction to IT Skills Noel Murray 1 5
HOSP6076 Licensed Premises Regulations Noel Murray 3 5
HOSP6013 Management for Hospitality Noel Murray 6 5
HOSP6012 Professional Bar Operations Noel Murray 4 5

Year 1 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
PLAC6019 Beverage Industry Placement Noel Murray 1 5
HOSP6011 Beverage Operations Noel Murray 3 5
MATH6025 Business Maths for Hospitality David Goulding 4 5
MGMT6053 Entrepreneurial Mindset CAROLINE O REILLY 3 5
HOSP6034 Intro to Hospitality Marketing Noel Murray 4 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
HOSP6018 Gastro Bar Food Operations Noel Murray 3 5

Year 2 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
FOOD6007 Beverage Science NIALL MORRIS 2 5
ECON6004 Economics for Services Noel Murray 5 5
HOSP6032 Hospitality Law Noel Murray 4 5
HOSP6030 Licensed Trade Supervision Noel Murray 3 5
PLAC6004 Work Based Learning Noel Murray 4 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
HOSP6090 Exploring Wine & Spirits Noel Murray 1 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5

Year 2 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
TOUR6025 Customer Service for Tourism Noel Murray 1 5
TOUR6009 Financial Acc for Tour & Hosp Claire OSullivan Rochford 4 5
HOSP6164 Hosp Facilities Mgmt Noel Murray 1 5
MRKT7009 Marketing Research Methods Katie Power 7 5
HOSP6035 Principles of Hospitality Mtkg Noel Murray 5 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
FOOD6005 Fundamentals of Distilling NIALL MORRIS 1 5

Year 3 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
HOSP7027 Hospitality Operations Noel Murray 5 5
HOSP7047 Beverage Entrepreneurship Noel Murray 2 10
HOSP7011 HR Management Noel Murray 4 5
ACCT6024 Management Acc for Tour & Hosp Claire OSullivan Rochford 4 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
HOSP7052 Professional Wine & Spirits Noel Murray 1 5

Year 3 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
HOSP7004 Finance for Hosp. and Tourism Claire OSullivan Rochford 4 5
HOSP7007 Food, Photography & Styling Noel Murray 3 5
HOSP7010 Hospitality Event Management Noel Murray 3 5
HOSP7033 Off-trade Management Noel Murray 2 5
HOSP6044 The Art of Mixology 3 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
HOSP6036 Licensed Trade Management Noel Murray 3 5