PLAC7018 - Placement: Following the Child

Module Details

Module Code: PLAC7018
Title: Placement: Following the Child
Long Title: Placement: Following the Child
NFQ Level: Intermediate
Valid From: Semester 1 - 2018/19 ( September 2018 )
Duration: 1 Semester
Credits: 30
Field of Study: 0111 - Placement
Module Delivered in: 1 programme(s)
Module Description: The module is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to experience knowledge(s), practices and values in action and to develop the dispositions, attributes and understanding required of an early childhood practitioner. The student will undertake two supervised early childhood education and care (ECEC) block placements with differing age groups and will have the opportunity to integrate practice and theoretical knowledge. Students will attend college for one week at the beginning of the semester to explore the use of supervision, mentoring and coaching in developing practice.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Learning Outcome Description
LO1 Apply ECEC theory to practice in the placement setting, recognising best practice as outlined in the national practice frameworks and guidelines, e.g. Aistear, Siolta, Diversity , Equality and Inclusion Charter and Guidelines.
LO2 Develop and implement a range of effective skills and competencies for supporting the holistic development and well-being of children in either an early childhood education & care setting or a setting for young children with additional needs.
LO3 Identify their practice strengths and areas for further development as emerging practitioners through effective interaction with placement mentors and supervisors.
LO4 Apply the salient legislative and procedural provisions regulating practice in the placement setting.
LO5 Develop a portfolio of learning that documents the planning, implementation and review of learning opportunities carried out during placement.
LO6 Use reflective logs to critically reflect on practice
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is strongly recommended before enrolment in this module. You may enrol in this module if you have not acquired the recommended learning but you will have considerable difficulty in passing (i.e. achieving the learning outcomes of) the module. While the prior learning is expressed as named MTU module(s) it also allows for learning (in another module or modules) which is equivalent to the learning specified in the named module(s).

Incompatible Modules
These are modules which have learning outcomes that are too similar to the learning outcomes of this module. You may not earn additional credit for the same learning and therefore you may not enrol in this module if you have successfully completed any modules in the incompatible list.
No incompatible modules listed
Co-requisite Modules
No Co-requisite modules listed

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is mandatory before enrolment in this module is allowed. You may not enrol on this module if you have not acquired the learning specified in this section.

No requirements listed
Indicative Content
Personal and Professional Development
Working collaboratively to construct appropriate personal and professional goals; undertaking individual responsibility for aspects of ECEC practice; develop the skill of reflective practice and self-evaluation through keeping a daily placement diary- recording events, feelings and reactions.
The nature of supervision, effective use of supervision. The student/supervisor/Institute relationship.
Work Practice
Identify and develop practice, values, knowledge(s), attributes and dispositions required for working as an early childhood practitioner; develop an awareness of the extent and nature of documentation required to comply with relevant legislation, regulation and national practice frameworks e.g. Aistear, Siolta, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Charter and Guidelines.
Application of Learning
Application of theoretical and practice learning received at MTU.
Experiential Learning
Daily plans; changes to routines; following the children's interests; experiencing an emerging curriculum. The nature of the placement experience means that learning will occur beyond that anticipated.
Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown%


Assessment Type Performance Evaluation % of Total Mark 30
Timing Week 7 Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4
Assessment Description
Placement Visit 1: Observation of practice and interview by MTU supervisor. Focus on interactions, relationships, observations and planning. Note that this evaluation process is inextricably linked to the practical placement experience, therefore any repeat assessment must be based around a further practical placement experience.
Assessment Type Performance Evaluation % of Total Mark 40
Timing Week 13 Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4
Assessment Description
Placement Visit 2: Observations of practice and interview by MTU supervisor. Focus on implementation and review of learning opportunities. Note that this evaluation process is inextricably linked to the practical placement experience, therefore any repeat assessment must be based around a further practical placement experience.
Assessment Type Project % of Total Mark 30
Timing Sem End Learning Outcomes 5,6
Assessment Description
Develop portfolio of learning to document personal and professional learning achieved during the placement experience
No End of Module Formal Examination
Reassessment Requirement
Coursework Only
This module is reassessed solely on the basis of re-submitted coursework. There is no repeat written examination.

The University reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Independent & Directed Learning (Non-contact) Non Contact Applying theory to practice in early childhood education and care or additional needs setting Every Week 30.00 30
Independent & Directed Learning (Non-contact) Non Contact Developing portfolio of learning Every Week 12.00 12
Total Hours 42.00
Total Weekly Learner Workload 42.00
Total Weekly Contact Hours 0.00
Workload: Part Time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Independent & Directed Learning (Non-contact) Non Contact Applying theory to practice in early childhood education and care or additional needs setting Every Week 30.00 30
Independent & Directed Learning (Non-contact) Non Contact Developing portfolio of learning Every Week 12.00 12
Total Hours 42.00
Total Weekly Learner Workload 42.00
Total Weekly Contact Hours 0.00
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources
  • NCCA. (2009), Aistear: The Early Childhood Curriculum Framework, NCCA, Dublin.
  • CECDE. (2006), Siolta: The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education, CECDE, Dublin.
This module does not have any article/paper resources
Other Resources
Module Delivered in
Programme Code Programme Semester Delivery
CR_HECEC_7 Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education and Care 3 Mandatory