AGRI6024 - Animal Production

Module Details

Module Code: AGRI6024
Title: Animal Production
Long Title: Animal Production
NFQ Level: Fundamental
Valid From: Semester 1 - 2016/17 ( September 2016 )
Duration: 1 Semester
Credits: 5
Field of Study: 6210 - Agriculture
Module Delivered in: 2 programme(s)
Module Description: This module will enable the student to study Animal Production in detail. It also deals with pathology, animal health and welfare, diseases and profitable production on other farm types also.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Learning Outcome Description
LO1 Outline the current legislation regarding animal health and welfare relative to farm situations
LO2 Describe processes regarding development of diseases in farm animals.
LO3 Develop a herd health and biosecurity plan.
LO4 Explain the fundamentals of genetics for sustainable animal production.
LO5 Outline the economics of Animal Production
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is strongly recommended before enrolment in this module. You may enrol in this module if you have not acquired the recommended learning but you will have considerable difficulty in passing (i.e. achieving the learning outcomes of) the module. While the prior learning is expressed as named MTU module(s) it also allows for learning (in another module or modules) which is equivalent to the learning specified in the named module(s).

6494 AGRI6003 Animal Management 2
Incompatible Modules
These are modules which have learning outcomes that are too similar to the learning outcomes of this module. You may not earn additional credit for the same learning and therefore you may not enrol in this module if you have successfully completed any modules in the incompatible list.
No incompatible modules listed
Co-requisite Modules
No Co-requisite modules listed

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is mandatory before enrolment in this module is allowed. You may not enrol on this module if you have not acquired the learning specified in this section.

No requirements listed
Indicative Content
Legislation,stress and stressors,abnormal and normal behaviour,humane slaughter,transport, Environmental interactions/enrichment
Pathology & Parasitology
Origins and nature of disease,disease agents,signs of ill health in animals,infectious and non-infectious diseases,zoonoses and food borne pathogens,minimal disease,legislation and notifiable diseases,economic cost of disease,fallen animals.
Biosecurity and Herd Health
Immunity and Vaccination, Biosecurity, herd health plan and disease control schemes.
Genetic Evaluation
genes, DNA, chromosomes, genomics, interpretation of genetic evaluation reports, crossbreeding and heterosis.
Agricultural economics
profit monitor, gross margins ,cost of production, benchmarking, profitability, economic sustainability.
Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown%
End of Module Formal Examination60.00%


Assessment Type Multiple Choice Questions % of Total Mark 10
Timing Week 5 Learning Outcomes 1,2,3
Assessment Description
MCQ on Animal Health, Welfare and Behaviour.
Assessment Type Project % of Total Mark 10
Timing Week 8 Learning Outcomes 5
Assessment Description
Complete and analyse web based profit calculations
Assessment Type Written Report % of Total Mark 20
Timing Week 10 Learning Outcomes 3
Assessment Description
Outline the basic principles involved in maximising herd health status
End of Module Formal Examination
Assessment Type Formal Exam % of Total Mark 60
Timing End-of-Semester Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4,5
Assessment Description
End-of-Semester Final Examination
Reassessment Requirement
Repeat examination
Reassessment of this module will consist of a repeat examination. It is possible that there will also be a requirement to be reassessed in a coursework element.

The University reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Lecture Contact Class based Instruction Every Week 4.00 4
Independent & Directed Learning (Non-contact) Non Contact Students are expected to do an additional 3 hours of self directed independant learning weekly. The lecturer will at times indicate to students areas they should pay particular attention to. Every Week 3.00 3
Total Hours 7.00
Total Weekly Learner Workload 7.00
Total Weekly Contact Hours 4.00
Workload: Part Time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Independent & Directed Learning (Non-contact) Non Contact Learner follows guidelines as set in lectures Every Week 4.00 4
Lecture Contact Class based instruction Every Week 2.00 2
Tutorial Contact Tutorial Session Every Second Week 1.00 2
Total Hours 8.00
Total Weekly Learner Workload 7.00
Total Weekly Contact Hours 3.00
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources
  • Susan E. Aiello DVM ELS , Michael A. Moses. The Merck Veterinary Manual, 11th. [ISBN: 978-091191061].
Supplementary Book Resources
  • John Webster. (1993), Understanding the dairy cow, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, [ISBN: 0632034386].
  • Geoff Simm. (1998), Genetic improvement of cattle and sheep, Farming, Ipswich, [ISBN: 0851996426].
This module does not have any article/paper resources
Other Resources
Module Delivered in
Programme Code Programme Semester Delivery
CR_BAGRI_7 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture 3 Mandatory
CR_BAGRI_6 Higher Certificate in Science in Agriculture 3 Mandatory