AGRI8005 - Strategic Agribusiness

Module Details

Module Code: AGRI8005
Title: Strategic Agribusiness
Long Title: Strategic Agribusiness
NFQ Level: Advanced
Valid From: Semester 1 - 2016/17 ( September 2016 )
Duration: 1 Semester
Credits: 5
Field of Study: 6210 - Agriculture
Module Delivered in: 2 programme(s)
Module Description: This module enables learners to appreciate the strategic challenges faced by the agri-food sector in Ireland and internationally. The module covers internationalisation, globalisation, the impact of the business environment on enterprise launch, development and performance and the importance of supply chain management. The module includes a cross modular project with Agri Business Supply Chains (AGRI 8006).
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Learning Outcome Description
LO1 Evaluate strategic management thinking and how these have influenced organisational strategy and structure in the agricultural/horticulture business sector.
LO2 Analyse the external business environment and internal capability of agricultural/horticulture business organisations.
LO3 Analyse the challenges and opportunities of adopting a supply chain management approach for an agricultural/horticulture related business.
LO4 Critique marketing strategies adopted by key agricultural/horticulture business supply chain stakeholders.
LO5 Critique the driving forces behind the internationalisation of the firm and evaluate the opportunities and threats posed by globalisation.
LO6 Evaluate strategic options toward the performance of the food sector in the global agricultural/horticulture area.
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is strongly recommended before enrolment in this module. You may enrol in this module if you have not acquired the recommended learning but you will have considerable difficulty in passing (i.e. achieving the learning outcomes of) the module. While the prior learning is expressed as named MTU module(s) it also allows for learning (in another module or modules) which is equivalent to the learning specified in the named module(s).

Incompatible Modules
These are modules which have learning outcomes that are too similar to the learning outcomes of this module. You may not earn additional credit for the same learning and therefore you may not enrol in this module if you have successfully completed any modules in the incompatible list.
No incompatible modules listed
Co-requisite Modules
11762 AGRI8006 Agribusiness Supply Chains

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is mandatory before enrolment in this module is allowed. You may not enrol on this module if you have not acquired the learning specified in this section.

No requirements listed
Indicative Content
Strategic Management Process
Defining Strategy, Mission, Goal setting, Ethical decision making; Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Stakeholder Analysis; Strategy as an Emergent Process; Strategic Leadership in the agricultural/horticulture business sectors.
Environmental Analysis of the Food sector.
Porter's 5 Competitive Forces; PESTEL Analysis; Defining the Industry; Global and national environments.
Internal Analysis
Porter's Value Chain; SWOT analysis as applied to the Agriculture or Horticulture business sectors.
Creating Competitive Advantage
Porter's 3 Generic Strategies; Managing for Quality.
Supply Chain Management
Agri supply chain relationship strategies; Partnership development; Outsourcing; Supplier rating.
Strategic Marketing
Global market entry strategies; Exporting; Foreign direct investment; Ownership strategies; Mergers and acquisitions with specific reference to the agriculture and horticulture sectors.
Internationalisation and Globalisation
Why Firms engage in international business; Patterns of international expansion; Globalisation of markets and production; Driving forces behind globalisation of agribusiness.
Strategy Option Generation and Evaluation for the Food sector.
Ansoff's Growth Matrix; Organic and acquisition growth models; Boston Consulting Group Matrix
Case Studies
Students will evaluate relevant agriculture and horticulture case study material and propose solutions to challenges faced by firms; Guest speakers and site visits will also be used.
Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown%
End of Module Formal Examination70.00%


Assessment Type Project % of Total Mark 30
Timing Week 8 Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4,5,6
Assessment Description
The Strategic Agribusiness component comprises an evaluation of an organisational strategy and structure as well as a full environmental analysis. This is a cross modular project with Agribusiness Supply Chains and Distribution (AGRI 8006).
End of Module Formal Examination
Assessment Type Formal Exam % of Total Mark 70
Timing End-of-Semester Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4,5,6
Assessment Description
End-of-Semester Final Examination
Reassessment Requirement
Repeat examination
Reassessment of this module will consist of a repeat examination. It is possible that there will also be a requirement to be reassessed in a coursework element.

The University reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Lecture Contact Lectures, including guest lectures from industry specialists. Every Week 3.00 3
Independent & Directed Learning (Non-contact) Non Contact Self-directed study Every Week 4.00 4
Total Hours 7.00
Total Weekly Learner Workload 7.00
Total Weekly Contact Hours 3.00
Workload: Part Time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Lecture Contact No Description Every Week 3.00 3
Directed Learning Non Contact No Description Every Week 4.00 4
Total Hours 7.00
Total Weekly Learner Workload 7.00
Total Weekly Contact Hours 3.00
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources
  • Freddie Barnard, Jay Akridge, Frank Dooley and John Foltz. (2012), Agribusiness Management, 4th. Routledge, [ISBN: 978041559696].
Supplementary Book Resources
  • Richard Lynch. (2015), Strategic Management, 7th. Pearson, [ISBN: 9781292064666].
  • Chandrasekaran and Raghuram. (2014), Agribusiness Supply Chain Management, 1st. Taylor and Francis Group, [ISBN: 9781466516748].
  • James Beierlein, Kenneth Schneeberger and Donald Osburn. (2013), Principles of Agribusiness Management., 5th. Prospect Heights, Ill; Waveland Press, [ISBN: 9781478605669].
  • Cliff Ricketts and Kristina G. Ricketts. (2008), Agribusiness Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd. Delmar Learning, p.512, [ISBN: 9781418032319].
This module does not have any article/paper resources
Other Resources
  • Newspaper, The Irish Farmers' Journal.
Module Delivered in
Programme Code Programme Semester Delivery
CR_BAGRI_8 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agriculture 2 Mandatory
CR_BHORT_8 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Horticulture 2 Mandatory