Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Marketing

Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Marketing

Faculty of Business and Humanities
Award Class
Programme Code CR_BMRKT_8 Mode of Delivery Full Time, Part Time, ACCS No. of Semesters 8
NFQ Level 8 Embedded Award No Programme Credits 240
Next Review Date
Review Type Date
Programmatic Review 01/09/2026
Field of Study 3420 - Marketing & Advertising

Programme Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to demonstrate... :

# PO Domains Programme Learning Outcome
PO1 Knowledge - Breadth An in-depth knowledge of marketing theory, principles, processes and techniques, and their application in business and not for profit organisations.
PO2 Knowledge - Kind The connection between operational, tactical and strategic marketing insight across varied sectors.
PO3 Skill - Range Techniques of planning and managing the marketing function in an increasingly digital environment, controlling marketing operations, brand development and brand management coupled with skill in planning and managing sales activities through personal and organisational effectiveness.
PO4 Skill - Selectivity Ability to identify market opportunity, select target markets, exploit new digital platforms and design an appropriate marketing mix,to apply financial techniques and analysis to marketing,to employ empirical data effectively to aid marketing decision-making.
PO5 Competence - Context Ability to apply marketing theories across a broad range of business environments and to critically formulate and evaluate relevant options and solutions in a variety of marketing contexts with an understanding of the sales/marketing connection.
PO6 Competence - Role Ability to contribute positively both autonomously and as a member of a team and to work ethically and professionally with the capacity for innovation and supervision
PO7 Competence - Learning to Learn Ability to identify and address continuous learning requirements at a personal and professional level in recognition of the transience of applied skills; the graduate will be open to change and will be willing to engage with new developments and practices in marketing and sales
PO8 Competence - Insight Skill to undertake marketing and sales in a socially responsible manner, conscious of the effects of marketing on consumer well-being, the environment and the earth’s resources, and the ability to balance this with the drive for business growth and profitability.

Semester Schedules

Year 1 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
CMOD6001 Creativity Innovation&Teamwork MARESE BERMINGHAM 3 5
MRKT6020 IT Skills for Marketing Katie Power 1 5
MRKT6004 Introduction to Marketing Katie Power 6 5
MRKT6015 Management for Marketers Katie Power 1 5
MRKT6010 Selling Skills for Business Katie Power 5 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MRKT6018 Contemporary Business CAROLINE O REILLY 2 5
LANG6039 German Language & Culture Katie Power 3 5
LANG6005 Introduction to Spanish Katie Power 6 5
LANG7018 Working with French Katie Power 3 5

Year 1 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MRKT6014 Digital Context Katie Power 2 5
MGMT6053 Entrepreneurial Mindset CAROLINE O REILLY 3 5
ACCT6007 Fundamentals of Fin/Acc Claire OSullivan Rochford 3 5
MRKT6005 Marketing Strategy Principles Katie Power 4 5
STAT6012 Maths & Stats for Marketing David Goulding 1 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
LANG6006 Basic Spanish Katie Power 6 5
LANG6040 Breakthrough German Katie Power 3 5
MRKT6012 Communication for Business Katie Power 1 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
LANG7019 French Business and Culture Katie Power 5 5

Year 2 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
LEGS6012 Business Law Katie Power 3 5
MRKT6016 Digital Advertising Katie Power 4 5
MRKT7009 Marketing Research Methods Katie Power 7 5
MRKT6013 Social Media Marketing Katie Power 3 5
MRKT6019 The Changing Consumer Katie Power 1 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
LANG7016 Applied French Katie Power 3 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
LANG6041 German Language and Society Katie Power 3 5
MGMT6028 HRM in Contemporary Business CAROLINE O REILLY 4 5
MGMT7023 Project Management CAROLINE O REILLY 4 5
LANG6029 Spanish Language and Society Katie Power 5 5

Year 2 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MMED7013 Content Creation for Marketing VALERIE RENEHAN 2 5
MGMT7079 Customer Service & Management Katie Power 1 5
MRKT7023 Finance and IT for Marketers Claire OSullivan Rochford 4 5
MRKT7019 Marketing for Services Katie Power 2 5
ECON7007 Principles of Economics CAROLINE O REILLY 4 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
LANG7017 Applied French Studies Katie Power 3 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
LANG6038 German for Business Katie Power 3 5
MGMT6049 Global Business Environment Katie Power 2 5
LANG6030 Spanish Language and Culture Katie Power 5 5
MRKT6017 eCommerce & Retail Marketing Katie Power 2 5

Year 3 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MRKT7013 Advertising and Promotion Katie Power 5 5
MRKT7017 Business to Business Marketing Katie Power 4 5
MRKT7021 Digital Marketing Strategy Katie Power 2 5
MGMT7008 Global Marketing Strategy Katie Power 7 5
LEGS7010 Marketing Law and Ethics Katie Power 1 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MRKT7016 Event Management & Promotion Katie Power 6 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
MGMT7062 Introduction to Supply Chain CAROLINE O REILLY 4 5
LANG8016 Working and Living in France Katie Power 3 5
LANG7006 Working with German Katie Power 6 5
LANG6033 Working with Spanish Katie Power 7 5

Year 3 / Semester 2

Group Elective 1 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MGMT6044 Cultural Studies Katie Power 5 5
MGMT7075 Emerging & New Markets Katie Power 2 5
MRKT7020 International Market Launch CAROLINE O REILLY 3 10
MMED8023 Media Presentation VALERIE RENEHAN 4 5
MGMT8043 Seminar Series Katie Power 4 5
Group Elective 2 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
PLAC7020 Industry Placement Breda O Dwyer 3 30
Group Elective 3 
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
APEX8030 Approved External Study - 30 C Ted Scully 1 30

Year 4 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MRKT8001 Brand Management Katie Power 4 5
MGMT8045 Corporate Strategy CAROLINE O REILLY 2 5
MRKT8022 Marketing Measurement &Metrics Katie Power 2 5
MRKT8018 Marketing Strategy Katie Power 2 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
LANG7014 Applied German Katie Power 3 5
LANG7011 Applied Spanish Katie Power 4 5
LEGS8008 Business in the European Union Katie Power 1 5
ECON8003 Economics International Trade CAROLINE O REILLY 3 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
LANG8007 French Business and Media Katie Power 4 5
MGMT8026 New Product Development CAROLINE O REILLY 4 5
MGMT8049 Sustainable Business Katie Power 1 5
MGMT8073 Tourism & Aviation Business Katie Power 1 5

Year 4 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
FINA8010 Finance for Marketers Claire OSullivan Rochford 1 5
MRKT8021 Marketing Portfolio Katie Power 1 5
MGMT7024 Public Relations Breda O Dwyer 4 5
MRKT8019 Sales Strategy Management Katie Power 1 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
LANG7015 Applied German Studies Katie Power 3 5
LANG7013 Applied Spanish Studies Katie Power 2 5
MRKT8002 Fashion Marketing Katie Power 5 5
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
LANG8008 French Business and Arts Katie Power 4 5
MGMT8046 Internationalisation Strategy Katie Power 2 5
MGMT8028 New Product Launch CAROLINE O REILLY 5 5
MRKT8004 Social Marketing Katie Power 5 5
SPRT8001 Sports Marketing Cian O'Neill 4 5
MGMT8013 The European Single Market Katie Power 4 5