Certificate in Product Design and Development

Certificate in Product Design and Development

Faculty of Engineering & Science
Award Class
Programme Code CR_EPRDD_8 Mode of Delivery Full Time No. of Semesters 2
NFQ Level 6 Embedded Award No Programme Credits 30
Next Review Date
Review Type Date
Programmatic Review 01/06/2021

Programme Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to demonstrate... :

# PO Domains Programme Learning Outcome
PO1 Skill - Range engineering design skills and their practical implementation using industry standard software design tools.

Semester Schedules

Year 1 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MANU8001 Advanced Materials & Processes NIALL MORRIS 3 5
MECH8009 IPD Laboratories 1 NIALL MORRIS 4 5
MECH8004 Mechanical Eng. Design NIALL MORRIS 4 5

Year 1 / Semester 2

Year 1 Semester 2 Elective Regulation
Select any two electives.
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
FREE6001 Free Choice Module PAUL GALLAGHER 3 5
MECH8010 IPD Laboratories 2 NIALL MORRIS 4 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
BIOE8007 Anatomy of Biomechanics NIALL MORRIS 3 5
BIOE8008 Applied Biomaterials NIALL MORRIS 4 5
MECH8014 Mechatronics System Design NIALL MORRIS 5 5
MECH8019 Product Development NIALL MORRIS 2 5