Indicative Content |
Language Modelling
Introduction to natural language processing and language models. N-gram modelling, The Markov assumption and maximum likelihood estimation. Evaluating language models, perplexity, generalization, smoothing techniques and dealing with unknown words. Hidden Markov models and part-of-speech tagging.
Parsing for NLP
Context free grammar. Syntactic parsing. Structural, attachment and coordination ambiguity. Handling structural ambiguities using the CKY algorithm. Statistical parsing, probabilistic context free grammars for disambiguation. Learning PCFG rule probabilities. Dependency Parsing. Dependency grammars and typed dependency structure.
Machine Learning
Document classification using machine learning techniques such as naive bayes (mutli-nomial and bernoulli models), support vector machines, logistic regression and neural networks (embedding dense word vectors).
Machine Translation (MT)
Introduction to linguistic knowledge. Rule-based MT (transfer-based MT and inter-lingual MT. Statistical MT (word and phrase-based translation). Neural MT and vector-based representations. MT evaluation metrics (WER, BLEU and TER).
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Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources |
N. Hardeniya J. Perkins, D. Chopra, N. Joshi, I. Mathur. (2016), Natural Language Processing: Python and NLTK, 1st. Packt Publishing, [ISBN: 9781787285101].
L. Hobson. H. Cole, H. Hannes. (2017), Natural Language Processing in Action: Understanding, analyzing, and generating text with Python, 1st. Manning Publications, [ISBN: 9781617294631].
Supplementary Book Resources |
C. Manning. (1999), Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, 4th. MIT Press, [ISBN: 9780262133609].
Recommended Article/Paper Resources |
E. Cambria, B. White. (2014), Jumping NLP Curves: A Review of Natural
Language Processing Research, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 9,
Supplementary Article/Paper Resources |
J. Lafferty, A. McCallum, F. Pereira. (2001), Conditional Random Fields: Probabilistic
Models for Segmenting and Labeling
Sequence Data, International Conference on Machine
This module does not have any other resources |