Master of Science in Computational Biology

Faculty of Engineering & Science
Award Class Award
Programme Code CR_SCOBI_9 Mode of Delivery Part Time, Fully Online No. of Semesters 6
NFQ Level 9 Embedded Award No Programme Credits 90
Next Review Date
Review Type Date
Programmatic Review 01/04/2024

Programme Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to demonstrate... :

# PO Domains Programme Learning Outcome
PO1 Knowledge - Breadth Knowledge of: advanced theories and skills spanning biological and computer sciences; planning, managing and developing medium to large scale computational biology projects; utilising the most current design principles, methodologies and technologies.
PO2 Knowledge - Kind That they can: critically understand and evaluate a wide range of current theories, technologies and application areas in computational biology; research solutions to complex problems; evaluate different approaches to problem solving.
PO3 Skill - Range That they can: identify ill-defined research problems; apply computational, statistical, numerical, research and/or analytical skills to solve complex biological problems; manage ill-defined projects as part of a group or as an individual.
PO4 Skill - Selectivity That they can: independently assess and select knowledge in novel and emerging biological science and computational technologies; research complex projects and use the research literature to propose new solutions; integrate various principles and approaches to successfully plan and implement a computational biology project; compare with existing solutions and select the most appropriate approach for a specified project.
PO5 Competence - Context That they can: evaluate the risks associated with individual and team projects in biological sciences; identify strategic research areas where bioscience and computational projects can be developed and evaluate their commercial potential; undertake research, design and development of large-scale projects in new trending areas of biological sciences and computational biology.
PO6 Competence - Role That they can: lead teams on medium to large scale computational biology projects; manage long-term individual and group projects; communicate effectively within a team environment; execute project plans; prepare plans, reporting documentation, conference papers, technical reports, presentations and posters; communicate project outcomes both formally and informally; communicate effectively with the biological sciences and computational biology community; perform research, innovate, solve problems and design new studies.
PO7 Competence - Learning to Learn That they can: master the use of computational biology platforms and interrogation of public biological databases; investigate and solve ill-defined problems; evaluate their own performance and knowledge base; use available resources to redress knowledge gaps and succeed with long-term and large-scale individual and team projects; discuss and debate problems and solutions with their peers; investigate and evaluate proposed designs with their peers; compare and contrast design approaches adopted by their peers.
PO8 Competence - Insight That they can: act in a manner consistent with the best interests of clients, colleagues and other stakeholders and the general public; draw conclusions from large-scale project work; critically evaluate modelling, design and experimental work, also in accordance with best practices, health and safety, ethics and GDPR regulations; relate experimental work to theoretical frameworks; adhere to highest ethical standards in execution of their work; adhere to all health and safety standards during the execution of their work.

Semester Schedules

Year 1 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
BIOT9012 Omics Technologies Brigid Lucey 1 5
COMP9087 Scien. Prog. for Biologists Brigid Lucey 1 5
BIOT9011 Synthetic Biology Brigid Lucey 1 5

Year 1 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
BIOT9009 Bioinformatics Brigid Lucey 1 5
DATA9002 Distributed Data Management Brigid Lucey 1 5
COMP9086 Processing and Visualization Brigid Lucey 1 5

Year 2 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
BIOT9008 Applied Genomics Brigid Lucey 1 5
COMP9085 Machine Learning in Biology Ted Scully 1 5
INTR9027 Strategic Project Management Brigid Lucey 1 5

Year 2 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
STAT9008 Applied Statistics for Biology David Goulding 1 5
BIOT9013 Structural Biology Brigid Lucey 1 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
COMP9067 Deep Learning Ted Scully 1 5
BIOT9010 Enzymes & Therapeutics Brigid Lucey 1 5

Year 3 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
BIOT9003 Research Project Brigid Lucey 2 30