Certificate in Advanced Pastry Techniques

Faculty of Business and Humanities
Award Class
Programme Code CR_OPATE_7 Mode of Delivery Part Time, Partially Online No. of Semesters 1
NFQ Level 7 Embedded Award No Programme Credits 10
Next Review Date
Review Type Date
Programmatic Review 01/11/2023
Field of Study 8110 - Hospitality

Programme Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to demonstrate... :

# PO Domains Programme Learning Outcome
PO1 Knowledge - Breadth Develop within the learner the highest level of pastry/confectionery ability to enable the student meet their personal professional goals.
PO2 Knowledge - Kind To utilise pastry materials in a creative and innovative fashion in order to appeal to the visual, artistic and organoleptic qualities of a wide range of dishes and ingredients.
PO3 Skill - Range Create and evaluate new and innovative pastry products utilising specialised equipment and technology to meet the requirements of specified markets.
PO4 Skill - Selectivity Communicate complex ideas and processes enabling others to develop creative skills in the pastry domain.

Semester Schedules

Year 1 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
HOSP7034 Baking and Pastry Techniques Noel Murray 3 5
HOSP7035 Creative Modern Pastry Noel Murray 3 5