Master of Science in Applied Accounting

Faculty of Business and Humanities
Award Class
Programme Code CR_BAACC_9 Mode of Delivery Part Time, ACCS No. of Semesters 4
NFQ Level 9 Embedded Award No Programme Credits 90
Next Review Date
Review Type Date
Programmatic Review 01/09/2022
Field of Study 3440 - Accounting, Auditing and Accountability

Programme Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to demonstrate... :

# PO Domains Programme Learning Outcome
PO1 Knowledge - Breadth A broad and in-depth knowledge of the theoretical issues in accounting and the relevance to practice and industry.
PO2 Knowledge - Kind The competence and knowledge required to integrate the learning experience through the research and production of a research-led dissertation. Be able to apply theoretical concepts to their own workplace from the subject areas studied.
PO3 Skill - Range A strong ability to analyse accounting problems on the strategic level and propose and implement solutions. The ability to play a leading role in their organisations. Application of skills across corporate reporting, strategic leadership, audit, assurance and taxation as well as business practices.
PO4 Skill - Selectivity Analyse, evaluate and synthesise complex, multi dimensional problems emanating from the accounting and business environment from the perspective of individual, peer and team based insight. Utilise the skills gained on the programme in a range of key accounting issues; have an input into the identifying and solving of problems in an accounting and business context.
PO5 Competence - Context The ability to research accounting and business problems utilising advanced research skills and implement solutions to those problems; apply accountancy skills to a variety of business contexts; suggest solutions to accountancy issues; relate work-based problems to learning from the programme and case studies/research conducted.
PO6 Competence - Role The ability to act pro-actively, practically and positively in a variety of structures (including teams) to complete specific tasks pertinent to accountancy and business; lead and supervise teams; work as a member of a cross-functional team; be an effective and contributory leader/manager.
PO7 Competence - Learning to Learn The competence to take responsibility for his/her own learning as evidenced by advanced research assignments and professional development and the autonomy to control their own personal development through inquiry, reflection and investigation; utilise programme learning to deal with new experiences and unfamiliar situations and continue their path of lifelong learning.
PO8 Competence - Insight The ability to participate in the accounting function of assisting others in moral, social and ethical decisions; synthesize their knowledge, skills and competencies in a manner that ensures a rounded perspective on the business environment with changing workplaces and practices.

Semester Schedules

Year 1 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
ACCT9007 Advanced Corp. Reporting (CPA) (Part 1 of 2) Claire OSullivan Rochford 1 10
MGMT9062 Communications & Prof Dev Breda O Dwyer 1 5
ACCT9004 Strategic Corporate Finance Claire OSullivan Rochford 1 5
ACCT9006 Strategy and Leadership (CPA) (Part 1 of 2) Claire OSullivan Rochford 1 10

Year 1 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
ACCT9007 Advanced Corp. Reporting (CPA) (Part 2 of 2) Claire OSullivan Rochford 1 10
ACCT9008 Finance Research Methods Claire OSullivan Rochford 2 5
ACCT9006 Strategy and Leadership (CPA) (Part 2 of 2) Claire OSullivan Rochford 1 10

Year 2 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
ACCT9011 Advanced Taxation (CPA) (Part 1 of 2) Claire OSullivan Rochford 1 10
ACCT9010 Audit Practices (CPA) (Part 1 of 2) Claire OSullivan Rochford 1 10
DATA9004 IT and Analytics for Business David Goulding 1 5
PLAC9020 Work-based Learning (CPA) (Part 1 of 2) Breda O Dwyer 1 10

Year 2 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
ACCT9009 Accounting Inquiry Claire OSullivan Rochford 1 20
ACCT9011 Advanced Taxation (CPA) (Part 2 of 2) Claire OSullivan Rochford 1 10
ACCT9010 Audit Practices (CPA) (Part 2 of 2) Claire OSullivan Rochford 1 10
PLAC9020 Work-based Learning (CPA) (Part 2 of 2) Breda O Dwyer 1 10