Postgraduate Diploma in Science in International Business

Faculty of Business and Humanities
Award Class
PGDip in Sc
Programme Code CR_BINBU_9 Mode of Delivery Full Time, Part Time No. of Semesters 2
NFQ Level 9 Embedded Award No Programme Credits 60
Next Review Date
Review Type Date
Programmatic Review 01/06/2018
Field of Study 3420 - Marketing & Advertising

Programme Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to demonstrate... :

# PO Domains Programme Learning Outcome
PO1 Knowledge - Breadth demonstrate broad understanding of significant features of business relating to internationalization of commercial organisations.
PO2 Knowledge - Kind explore, evaluate and analyse critical perspectives on the international business environment while maintaining a strong ethical perspective.
PO3 Skill - Range applicability of skills across marketing, business development, technological engagement, strategy and other key business practices.
PO4 Skill - Selectivity analyse and evaluate complex, multi-faced problems within disciplines drawn from the international business environment.
PO5 Competence - Context apply concepts and knowledge from an evolving and complicated global context building upon their own extant knowledge in key subject areas.
PO6 Competence - Role act constructively in a variety of structures (including teams) to complete tasks while fulfilling various roles.
PO7 Competence - Learning to Learn their autonomy to control their own personal development through inquiry, reflection and investigation.
PO8 Competence - Insight synthesise their knowledge, skills and attributes in a manner that ensures a rounded perspective on the global business environment within the context of focused subject matter.

Semester Schedules

Year 1 / Semester 1

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
ACCT9001 Financial Management & Systems Claire OSullivan Rochford 2 5
MRKT9027 Global Business Development Katie Power 1 5
MRKT9010 Global Marketing Management Katie Power 2 5
MGMT9035 Innovation Mgmt & Creativity Katie Power 2 5
MRKT9011 International Business Dev. Katie Power 2 10
MGMT9034 Strategic Thinking Katie Power 3 5

Year 1 / Semester 2

Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
ECON9001 Economics of Global Markets CAROLINE O REILLY 5 5
PLAC9017 International Bus Field Trip Katie Power 2 5
MGMT9036 Seminar Series (International) Katie Power 4 5
MRKT9012 Sustainable Business Practice Katie Power 3 5
Code Title Module Coordinator Version Credits
MRKT9015 Customer Experience Design Katie Power 2 5
MRKT9013 Digital Environment Katie Power 1 5
MRKT9014 People Management Strategies Katie Power 3 5
MGMT9037 Tech Mgt in Global Business Katie Power 2 5